Міхаіла Краўцэвіча
Poet, member of Viktar Babaryka’s initial team, daughter of Belarusian writer and linguist Mikoła Kuprejeŭ, teacher at the Institute of Teacher Improvement Tacciana Haŭrys
October 27, 2021
On June 11, 2020, a search was conducted in the apartment where Sviatłana Kuprejeva lived with her 81-year-old mother, Tacciana Haŭrys. On the same day, Sviatłana Kuprejeva was taken to the KGB detention center. On June 15, her apartment was searched, and her property was confiscated.
Since June 11, 2020, Sviatłana Kuprejeva had been held in solitary confinement in the KGB Pre-trial Detention Center.
Sviatłana Kuprejeva is suspected of tax evasion under part 2 of Art. 243 of the Criminal Code (evasion of payment of taxes and fees, which caused damage in a particularly large amount).
She was recognized as a political prisoner.
Behind bars, Sviatłana Kuprejeva continues writing poems, which she sends in letters to her friends.